Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Using Stats To See If Black People Are Being Targeted By Police


While the death of George Floyd wasn't a shooting it still gives into the idea that police are targeting black men.  Now of course, you aren't going to change the minds of idiots on this subject, anymore than you are going to convince religious people that there is no god.  Their belief in it goes beyond evidence.  There are cases to go either way.  Not all cops are good.  Some innocent black people are killed by police, and some innocent white people are killed by police.  It's important to go beyond a story here or there, and beyond what the mainstream highlights, and look at more complete data to get a better look at the big picture.  

The Washington Post has been keeping track of police shootings since 2015, and now they've got all their numbers from 2015 to now on one page.  I've looked at the numbers, and the pattern is consistent. About 1.9 times as many white people have been killed in police shootings as black people.  When I last checked today there had been 2358 white people killed in police shootings, and 1252 black people.  Another important detail how likely is how likely black people, and white people are to resist arrest.

One issue with the FBI's crime stats is that we don't have the 2019 stats, let alone those for 2020 so far.  The 2019 data will be released in September of this year.  Still we have the 2015-18 data to look at.  I added up the arrest numbers for those 4 years.   In terms of total arrests there were 2.56 times as many instances of white people being arrested than black people, but when it came to violent crime that ratio dropped to 1.56/1.  In terms of murder black people, who make up just 13% of the population commit over 50% of the murders.  From 2015-18 black people were arrested for murder 1.18 times as much as white people.  That data doesn't give a clear picture to show that police are targeting black men, or that the there is an epidemic of police killing black people.  There are other things to the don't fit that narrative.  Only 234 women were killed in police shootings according to the Post's numbers.  Only 47 of those women were black, compared to 132 that were white.  If police are just racist, and targeting black people then why are so few black women being killed by police.  A white man is more likely to be viewed as a threat than a black woman.  You know why?  It's because men are more likely to commit crime.  Yet when it comes to race it's so tough to people to use the same reasoning.  

In terms of resisting arrests studies tend to show that black people are more likely to resist arrest than whites, but there isn't a bunch of data on this, and one of my links is from 2014.

Correction: Factoring In Hispanics
One thing that I forgot is that the FBI, and Washington Post count Hispanic differently.  The Washington Post counts it as a race, while the FBI correctly counts it as an ethnicity.  The problem that while most Hispanic look Native American, most of them identify as white, and that increase the arrest numbers for whites.  Looking at the 2019 Census data 76.5% of the population is white, while 60.4% is non Hispanic white.  So, about 16.1% of the country are listed as white Hispanics, and Hispanics make up 18.3% of the population.  Based on those percentages about 88% of the country's Hispanics are listed as white.  According to the FBI crime data from 2015-18 there were 4,807,933 arrests of Hispanics, 22,557,336 for whites, and 8,797,330 for blacks.  The data doesn't break down Hispanic arrests by race, but if I were to assume it's 88%, then that would lower the arrest totals for whites over those same years, and the ratio arrest would go down to 2.1/1 for crime, and just 1.1/1 for violent crime.  This doesn't factor in the very small percentage of Hispanics that are black, and is based on the assumption that the percentage of Hispanics arrested who are identified as white, is equal to the what the percentage is in the census. So the estimates are flawed.  It still gives some very serious evidence against the narrative of police being racist against black people.  If anything police might be less likely to kill black people under similar circumstances.  


Resisting Arrest


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