Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Colin Kaepernick's Protest: Are Blacks (And Other Non Whites) In America Oppressed

This Colin Kaepernick shit has been all over the news.  Watching ESPN, it constantly comes up.  Some people think that he was being disrespectful, to there are many who agree with him, and have SJW like veiwpoints.  I wanted get beyond that, and to the point he was trying to make. I agree with his right to protest, but don't agree with his point. Are non-whites, and specifically blacks oppressed in the United States.  Let me get this out of the way now.  I don't believe it.  If the Powers that be, are using institutional racism to oppress blacks, they are doing a bad job of it.  The average salary for a black American is about 27,000, which is much more than the average USD of 2,000 in Africa.  White Europeans are closer to white Americans in terms of income, life expectancy, and lifestyle, than black Americans are to black Africans.  Just based on that, I would have to say that blacks in the U.S., are prospering.  How are whites oppressing blacks in this country, yet allowing blacks to live a much better lifestyle than blacks in Africa.  Black people here are benefiting from Economic powerhouse that is the United States, you can argue more so than whites.  Even though whites make more money on average, my point is to compare whites Americans to White Europeans, and black Americans to black  Africans.  Whites do make more on average than blacks, but they achieve more academically.  They get better grades, and have higher college graduation rates  The high achievement of Asians also seems to go against the idea of systematic oppression.  They routinely achieve higher academically than whites.  Their average salary is higher, and they have lower crime rates.  Does Colin want to complain about Asian privilege.  See how that one works out.  Better academic achievement in a races usually results in higher salary.  You can talk about the reason for low achieve among blacks, but the where is the proof of oppression.

Jim Crow segregation is over. Slavery was abolished 151 years ago.  We have the right to vote, and there are anti discrimination laws, as well as shit like affirmative action.  The best argument for the oppression of blacks is talking about institutional racism, and the affects of slavery.  Neither one actually points the finger at individuals, and neither one helps offer solutions.  It's excuse making.  Blacks Lives Matter is largely about blaming whites, and taking accountability away from blacks.  Colin hasn't stated that he is part of BLM, but he is talking similar shit.   He wants to talk about police getting away with murder (almost all police killings are justified), but doesn't talk about the high crime rates in the black community that makes blacks more likely to be killed by police per capita.  What about the fact that about 2 times as many whites are killed by police as blacks.  Adjusting for violent crime, and for those who resist arrest, you can argue that whites are unrepresented in terms of police shootings.

It will be interesting to see what happens to Colin.  I heard about Jesse Williams' speech at the BET Awards, and was very disappointed when I heard it.  It had extremists talk, and he put his own spin on things.  When that speech gets huge positive responses among black people, it is disappointing to me.  Where is the reasonable inquiry into the truth of these cases, and how come when someone does make a reasonable point against the BLM narrative, they are discredited them for simply having that opinion?  I looked at Jesse Williams twitter page, and found that he was knee deep in the extremist BLM ideology.  One issue for Black Lives Matter, is all those white people who know they are wrong, but who are afraid to say anything.  More extremist behavior will make it easier for them to stand up, and give their opinions. It's possible Kaepernick could expose himself as anti-white.  There is another interesting dynamic.  Colin is biracial, and looks more white than black.  In fact I thought he was white at first.  He was raised by two whites who adopted him.  Look at the pics in this article  Does he look black?  It seems like the "black thing" is in right now, and many biracial people would rather identify as black.  How many biracial people do you know who identify as white?  I mean Shaun King is as white as Rachel Dolezal, identifies as black.  

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