This shit is broken into six sections
End the War on Black People
This consist of a bunch of bullshit as you would suspect by the title. The first demand in this section is for the end to criminalization and dehumanization of black youth. I guess it doesn't really matter that blacks commit crimes at a much higher rate than other races, and that black male youth have an especially high crime rate. Are Asians being criminalized? #2 ask for an end to capital punishment. Reasonable enough, but a peace loving hippy could've given you that shit. #3 ask for an end to moneybail, mandatory fees, and other expenses that go with getting in trouble with the law. Total bullshit. #4 is one of dumbest ones out of this section. It ask for an end to the use of prior criminal history in consideration for housing, licenses, loans, employment, and a bunch of other shit. Complete stupidity. You look at someone's past history when it comes to shit like that, and you are supposed to. Prior history helps give you an indication of future behavior. Past criminal history should be considered, and it is unrealistic, and stupid to ask for an end to that type of consideration. #5 ask to for an end to the war on black immigrants. I didn't know there was a war on black immigrants. Obviously they use some very inflammatory language. What about that war on Asian immigrants? Not quite the same for some reason. #6 ask for the end to the war on black gay, queer, trans, whatever other fucking titles they want to add. I'm for LGBT rights, but to say there is a war on them is bullshit. The seventh one seems to be a strange one. It ask for an end to surveillance of black communities. Included in this this for some reason is police body cameras. If you really want to expose all of these bad cops, shouldn't you want them to wear body cameras. From the standpoint of pushing the BLM narrative this one actually makes sense. If anything the use of body cameras has helped clear officers, and makes it less likely for BLM to fill in the gaps with their anti police narrative. More often than not, body cameras, and or a thorough investigation doesn't expose the police. It exposes the person killed by police. 8 ask for demilitarization of police, which is complete bullshit. It also doesn't explain how they want the demilitarized. Do you they want police to not work in groups, or not carry weapons? It's not specific. #9 ask for the end to privatization of police, prisons, etc. Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit. They just like to take shit away from law enforcement. #10 in another stupid one. This one asking for things such as the end of the shackling of pregnant people (that would mean women obviously), end to solitary confinement, and some other garbage. The biggest detail in this demand is when they ask for the end of public jails. Just making things easier for criminals.
This sections is largely about limiting law enforcement, while taking away blame, and many punishments for black criminals. It mentions the end to numerous things without addressing why those punishments are needed, and why black people face those harsh punishments more often. It's not about fixing up issues in the black community, but then again BLM hasn't been very good at addressing those issues.
To make this shit shorter I'll give a quick review of this part instead of going one by one through the different demands. It ask for reparations for numerous things. Slavery, wealth extracted from the black community, criminalization, among other things. Slavery was abolished in 1865. That was over 150 years ago. Sure whites owned black slaves, but blacks owned black slaves in Africa, and sold them to whites. Arabs owned African slaves, blacks owned white slaves in Africa, and whites were enslaved by whites. When it comes to slavery, and the different races, everybody enslaved everybody. If anything white people were ahead of blacks in realizing that slavery was wrong. They are still are ahead of most people as you can see here Look at the U.S. doing very good compared to Africa, and the Middle East in terms of slavery. Then there is the fact that black Americans benefit from living in a nation that is such an economic powerhouse. The average income for a black person in the United States is about 27,000, which is much higher than the $2,000USD that is about the average income for someone in Africa.
#1 ask for a relocation of funds allocated from various programs to community based shit. The government already uses tax money for schools, and various other programs, so this is basically pleading for special treatment. #2 ask for the decriminalization, release, and record expungement of drug offenses, and prostitution. Mostly bullshit. I understand that the war on drugs hasn't worked, and marijuana is being decriminalized, but let's not take this shit too far. I can understanding not wanting hoes to get arrested, but that's another issue. #3 ask for real meaningful universal health care. We do have Obamacare, that should be good enough. #4 is asking for far too much. Why do queer and trans people need special rights in school. Don't they have the same rights under the law. Then there is rest of the shit. Free daycare, and school curriculum that acknowledges students cultural needs. More well worded garbage. 5, and 6 are short and I'll show them fully worded.
5. A divestment from industrial multinational use of fossil fuels and investment in community- based sustainable energy solutions.
What community based energy solutions? This one is beyond stupid, and unrealistic.
6. A cut in military expenditures and a reallocation of those funds to invest in domestic infrastructure and community well-being.
Yeah just take away power from our military. More stupid and unreasonable shit. Maybe those who are interested in helping the "community" can give some money. Then again many already do.
Economic Justice
1. A progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal levels to ensure a radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.
Can someone say communism. That shit doesn't work. Capitalism inspires hard work, creativity, and production. It's not perfect, but provides the best economic systems in the world.
#2 ask for funding for programs for marginalized black youth, or something to that effect. The thing is we already have those programs. There are plenty programs we have to help out poor people. There is welfare. Poor people are taxed at a lower rate. No child left behind. Affirmative Action. White folk have gone out of their way to provide these types of programs. The third one is beyond silly. Democratic control over how resources are distributed? I'm not saying they are communist or anything, but a communist system would be a nice way to get the type of distribution they would like. When it comes to #4 workers already have the right to organize. If BLM wants more, they could be more specific. #5 ask for the breakup of big banks, and also demands for the creation of black banks. This is shit is real simple. If a black person has enough money to open a bank, they can do so, and what do they mean by black banks? Would that mean black owned, or black owned with black customers.
6. An end to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and a renegotiation of all trade agreements to prioritize the interests of workers and communities. Yeah this would certainly help out the black community (sarcasm).
#7 is asking for more special treatment. They want U.S. to facilitate trade among black communities globally. Talk about asking for too much. You want to trade with blacks outside the U.S. go right ahead, just don't demand the government to help make it happen. It also ask for all funds used to facilitate this to go to black owned businesses, as determined by the community, which would obviously mean the black community. Sounds like they want some more special treatment. #8 ask for support for black alternative institutions, which is another case of asking for special treatment. #9 is about more rights for workers, which includes those imprisoned. I thought those people were imprisoned because they committed crimes, but nevermind that. BLM seems to believe in the theology of the Prison Industrial Complex. This rhetoric sounds similar to the "Prison is the new slavery" bullshit.
Community Control
This part is rather small, consisting of just 3 demands. The first ask for direct democratic control of local, state, and federal law enforcement. They want people in a community to have the power to hire and fire law enforcement, among other things like controlling budget. This is one of the dumbest demands they have, if not the dumbest. Under these rules, some officers would have probably gotten fired after Sandra Bland's suicide. A majority of the black community has been wrong about cases like Mike Brown, Alton Sterling, Tamir Rice, etc. One can only imagine the problems that would arise if a community had the power to hire and fire police officers, that are supposed to have authority over them. #2 ask for the end to privitization of education, which isn't a good demand considering how good private schools tend to be. It also ask for community control by parents and students over curriculum, hiring, firing, and discipline policies. This is like the police shit. These aren't the type of things that the "community" should have control over. You can a get group of qualified people to have control over this. People like government, the school district, etc. Not the fucking community. #3 ask for participatory budgeting, which I had to look at their explanation further down the page. I guess they want more community control over budgeting to ensure racial and economic justice. Sounds real nice in theory, but it's another garbage demand. Why should the community have that type of control of budgeting. You aren't qualified to control budgeting just because you are an adult in the community.
Political Power
We get to the last section, which another short one. Just five demands. The first ask the end of criminalization of black political activity, and the release of all political prisoners. Who would count as a political prisoner? Would Mumia Abu-Jamal, who murdered a cop, count as one. What about Assata Shakur? Even though she isn't a prisoner, she is hiding in Cuba. There is quite a lot of appreciation for her among black activists. I clicked to get the What's the Problem portion of the page, and they want Assata Shakur off of the international terrorist list. Shakur got into a shootout with troopers in 1973, in which she killed State Trooper Werner Foerster. #2 ask for the end of money controlling politics. In other words they don't like major businesses funding politicians. If a person is rich, and wants to donate money to a political campaign, why shouldn't they be able to. It's their money, and they should be able to use it to fund campaigns. It's still up to the people to vote, and they can always vote for the politician who they like the most. Money certainly helps a person get to that spot, but you are still voting for values. If the vast majority of the country were democrat, then that would favor democratic candidates. Funding might help determine what candidate got to that spot, but it would still be likely to be a democrat elected, whose values were similar to most of the country. #3 is about more voting rights, which sounds nice in theory. They want greater voting rights for formerly incarcerated people, and it seems like they want incarcerated people to vote. They want same day registration, which would cause a mess. #4 ask for full access to technology, including universal internet access. The problem with is that internet service is sold by companies, who make money off of that. You just don't give that shit out for free. #5 ask for increased funding for black colleges and universities. This is another instance of them asking for special treatment
So there you have it. A list ridiculous demands that ask for unrealistic things, and often times ask for special treatment for black people. There are a lot of people who don't believe that Black Lives Matter is an extremist, and racist group. It's best for BLM not to focus too much on their demands, before they turn more of their politically correct apologists against them.
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