Friday, October 2, 2020

2019 Crime Statistics Breakdown

 The crime stats for 2019 are out, having been released four days ago, so it's time for another breakdown of crime by race, more specifically murder by race.

First the single victim/single offender numbers.  Based on this chart  there were 3299 known instances of a white person being murdered in a single victim/single offender situation.  Of the 3216 in which the race of the offender is known  2594 have white offender.  That 80.7%, which is down from 82.3% last year, and the lowest from 2015-2019.  When it comes to black people it's 2574 of  2843, which is 90.5%, which is right in line with previous years.  It's also interesting that despite the fact that black people only make up 13.4% of the population, compared to white people making up 76.3%, black people black people still killed each other at an almost equal number to white people when just looking at the single victim/offender numbers.  In total there were 2948 of these murders with a known white offender, and 3218 with a black offender.   So in murders with 1 victim, and one perpetrator, black people are 6.2 times more likely to be the killer than white people.  Things are even worse when looking at the total stats for murders. This doesn't even take into the account the hispanic factor.  Despite hispanics not generally being considered white, according to the demographics from last year about 88% of hispanics in this country are listed as white.  In terms of black on white murder compared to white on black the chart shows 566 instances of a black person murdering a white person compared to just 246 the other way around.  A ratio of 2.3/1.

Next up is the numbers for total murder offenders.  Out of the 11493 in which a race is known, blacks made up 6425, which is 55.9%.   That is the worst I've even seen.  That percentage has gone up slightly, but steadily every year I've been checking.  It was 53.3% in 2015, 53.5 in 2016, 54.2 in 2017, and 54.9 in 2018.  Whites made up 4728 of murderers in those cases.   That means that black people were 7.7 times more likely to be murderers than white people in 2019.  I'm used to it being about 7 times more likely.

The mainstream portrays black people as the victims, and white as the perpetrators.  That's the where the focus has been.  That's where the attention has gone, but the numbers say otherwise.  That data makes the majority of mainstream, BLM, and SJWs look out of touch with reality when it comes to who tends to victimize who.  

United States Demographics

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