By now we all know the story. The original video seemed to show kids from Covington Catholic High School mocking a Native American man, Nathan Phillips, or at least that's what most believed. To add to it Phillips was said to be a Vietnam Vet (The Washington Post said he was but got it wrong). I myself was skeptical even before seeing more video from the event. I mean the kids appeared to be having fun, and while the one kid who was standing in front of Phillips had a smirk on his face, he wasn't acting violent, and wasn't mocking him. Still when it comes to white males it is easy for regressives to be tricked, even if it's just teenagers. They were demonized throughout social media, and school said that they would investigate.
Turns out what happened was more of hoax, based on lies, and deception. Like a clever magic trick, it wasn't about what was shown as much as it was about what wasn't shown. Yesterday I saw a link to this article
Boy did it give a different perspective. Phillips walked towards the boys. There was one guy telling the boys to go back to Europe. I already felt that people had overreacted, but this took things to another level, but wasn't anything compared to the video that I watched last night.
Black Hebrew Israelites were involved. I found out later that the video was first recorded on facebook live. They were saying a bunch of racist shit about white people. In fact even before they turned their attention to the boys, they said plenty bad things to Native Americans. Why would these Israelites be interested in this Indigenous Peoples March? They think that Native Americans are also Israelites, and they were out there to teach their religion to these Indigenous people, and did so in their usual disrespectful manner. When they turned their attention to the Covington students things got nasty quick. They called them crackers, talked about how America would be destroyed, said they were incest babies. The video speaks for itself. The boy responded by doing their school chant. It was interesting because they didn't return the Israelites hate with hate of their own. They were whooping it up, and acting like they were having a good ole time, and this annoyed the shit out of the Israelites. Then came Phillips, in the supposed peacekeeper role, which I will get to later.
Looking at this video really puts things into perspective. It has gone the point where mainstream liberal news outlets are going out of their way to tell the real story, after first falling for the portrayal of the boys as being racist. Of course some other people further on the left wouldn't have it. It was almost like a witch hunt on the boys. One of the biggest reaches was a picture of Covington students yelling at a black basketball player, in an image where a couple of them are painted black, which some thought of as blackface. Problem number one is that the game was one of the "blackout" games that the school has. Students dressed in black, and some painted themselves black, but it clearly wasn't racist, and was just those students keeping up with the blackout theme. Another thing is that the photo was from 2012, when the boys involved in the incident a couple days ago wouldn't have been in high school. You wouldn't be a good far leftist if you just admitted that you got it wrong.
Then there is Phillips. If he was being peacekeeper then why would he walk up to a group of students that weren't the cause of the problems, and even if he had it confused, he had to have heard some of the things that the Israelites were saying, yet when interviewed by CNN he gave an inaccurate account of what happened. He talked about the boys surrounding him, when he walked right towards them. He said that Nick Sandmann blocked his path, when the fact is he walked to the middle of the group of boys. If wanted to get to the Washington Monument he could've walked to the side of the group. He also didn't mention the Israelites in the CNN interview that I saw. When Phillips and his group approached you can hear one of the Israelites say "Here come Gad" more than once. I don't' know what Israelite sect these guys were from, but the different sects, whose 12 tribe breakdowns I have seen, list GAD as being North American Indians. He even refers to Phillips as "our elder". It seems that Phillips may have had some affinity toward the Israelites, because he let them, the main bad guys in the scenario, off the hook. I would like to know more about Phillips, and I think there are some questions he needs to answer. What are his feelings on the Black Hebrew Israelites, and why didn't he confront them? Then again Phillips has stood by his false statements, so being honest about it is just going to further expose him as a liar.
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