In the 1960s, and into the 70s there was a strong civil rights movement. You had the more rational people such as Martin Luther King (even though he thought homosexuality was a problem that could be cured), and Bayard Rushtin. The type of black people that could fight for the rights of black people without hating white people. There was another side. The Nation of Islam, The Black Panthers, and other black revolutionary groups. The Nation of Islam feels that white people are devil. Even the original Panthers were an anti white, anti police organization. Looking at things now it appears that the theological battle may have been won by the less reasonable portion of the movement. The black movement of today doesn't bare a strong resemblance to the movement of Martin Luther King. The riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, and Milwaukee don't bare much resemblance to what Martin Luther King would have wanted.
You could argue that the feelings of Malcolm X (for most of his life in the spotlight), Assata Shakur, and Huey P. Newton is much more attractive to black activists. Another point to be made is that we as black people have our rights. We have the right to vote, discrimination based on race isn't allowed in terms of job hiring, schools, etc., we are desegregated, and other programs are in place like Affirmative Action. Despite that black people continue to lag behind white people in terms of money, civility, academics, and living conditions. In order for black people to still complain about how white people are fucking us over, you've got to go beyond reasonable arguments. The black rights movement now is one filled with conspiracy theories. The crack problem of the 80s. They blame that on Ronald Reagan supposedly "dropping the crack off in the inner cities", despite the fact that high powered drugs were already popular in the inner cities before Reagan became president. There are plenty Illuminati believers, though I wouldn't say most believe in that. There are those who constantly talk about white privilege, and systematic racism. When you can't come up with reasonable complaints good enough, just say some other shit. The strategy is effective enough. Where are the reasonable leaders at now? It would be tough to be reasonable and be a black leader now a days. What are you going to complain about? It isn't that racism is over, it's just that you can't blame it for the situation that black people are in now, and there is also plenty anti white racism. Being reasonable about black problems would mean admitting that black people's problems have a lot to do with black people. We ,as a whole, have not capitalized on the gains of the civil right movement, at least not in a way to close the financial gap. Those problems of poverty and violence still plague the black community. There are reasonable black people who speak on political issues, but they are often called coons, and Uncle Tom. I mean King was called an Uncle Tom also, but was able to build up support. The black leaders of Black Lives Matter are far from reasonable. They are pretty much a modern version of the old Panthers, more so than the New Black Panthers
The fuck white people thing is big. The fuck white males thing is big. The SJW shit is big. The same thing has happened in the feminist movement. A very long time ago they were fighting for rights. I could get into how men also had it tough way back when, but I won't get to that now. The feminist movement had more to fight for back then. Now that they have their rights, and things haven't changed the way they want it to, its become a crying, conspiracy garbage movement.
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