Monday, January 16, 2017

The Black Struggle Article On MLK Day

In the 1960s, and into the 70s there was a strong civil rights movement.  You had the more rational people such as Martin Luther King (even though he thought homosexuality was a problem that could be cured), and Bayard Rushtin.  The type of black people that could fight for the rights of black people without hating white people.  There was another side.  The Nation of Islam, The Black Panthers, and other black revolutionary groups.  The Nation of Islam feels that white people are devil.  Even the original Panthers were an anti white, anti police organization.  Looking at things now it appears that the theological battle may have been won by the less reasonable portion of the movement.  The black movement of today doesn't bare a strong resemblance to the movement of Martin Luther King.  The riots in Baltimore, Ferguson, and Milwaukee don't bare much resemblance to what Martin Luther King would have wanted.

You could argue that the feelings of Malcolm X (for most of his life in the spotlight), Assata Shakur, and Huey P. Newton is much more attractive to black activists.  Another point to be made is that we as black people have our rights.  We have the right to vote, discrimination based on race isn't allowed in terms of job hiring, schools, etc., we are desegregated, and other programs are in place like Affirmative Action.  Despite that black people continue to lag behind white people in terms of money, civility, academics, and living conditions.  In order for black people to still complain about how white people are fucking us over, you've got to go beyond reasonable arguments.  The black rights movement now is one filled with conspiracy theories.  The crack problem of the 80s.  They blame that on Ronald Reagan supposedly "dropping the crack off in the inner cities", despite the fact that high powered drugs were already popular in the inner cities before Reagan became president.  There are plenty Illuminati believers, though I wouldn't say most believe in that.  There are those who constantly talk about white privilege, and systematic racism.  When you can't come up with reasonable complaints good enough, just say some other shit.  The strategy is effective enough.  Where are the reasonable leaders at now?  It would be tough to be reasonable and be a black leader now a days.  What are you going to complain about?  It isn't that racism is over, it's just that you can't blame it for the situation that black people are in now, and there is also plenty anti white racism.  Being reasonable about black problems would mean admitting that black people's problems have a lot to do with black people.  We ,as a whole, have not capitalized on the gains of the civil right movement, at least not in a way to close the financial gap.  Those problems of poverty and violence still plague the black community.  There are reasonable black people who speak on political issues, but they are often called coons, and Uncle Tom.  I mean King was called an Uncle Tom also, but was able to build up support.  The black leaders of Black Lives Matter are far from reasonable.  They are pretty much a modern version of the old Panthers, more so than the New Black Panthers

The fuck white people thing is big.  The fuck white males thing is big. The SJW shit is big.  The same thing has happened in the feminist movement.  A very long time ago they were fighting for rights.  I could get into how men also had it tough way back when, but I won't get to that now.  The feminist movement had more to fight for back then.  Now that they have their rights, and things haven't changed the way they want it to, its become a crying, conspiracy garbage movement.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

On October 23, 2015 three white high school football players attacked a mentally ill black teammate. They lured him into the locker room, before pretending to offer him a hug.  Then they held him down and put a wire hanger in his ass.  One of them kicked the wire hanger several times, forcing it further into the kid's body.  They allegedly yelled racial several racial slurs to him during this attack. One of the attackers, John R.K. Howard plead guilty and avoided jail time.  He instead will get 2-3 years probation and 300 hours of community service.  The other attackers are Tanner Ward, and an unidentified person who was 16 at the time of the attack.

Recently a story in Chicago has gathered a lot of attention.  A mentally ill white man was kidnapped and tortured by a group for 4 black people.  Three of them are 18 years old.  Those 18 year olds are Jordan Hill, Tesfaye Cooper, and Brittany Covington.  The other person involved is Brittany's older sister Tanishia Covington.  The victim was held for 2 days.  He was forced to say "fuck Trump" and "fuck white people", among other things.  Part of the incident was recorded on Facebook Live by Brittany.  The victim was forced to drink toilet water, had his head cut to the point that some white meat was visible, had cigarette ashes dumped into that same scar like it was an ash tray, and was hit several times.  During the incident the blacks shouted "fuck Trump", and "fuck white people".  The victim had his arms and legs tied up, and had something covering his mouth.  All of those things are on the video, so it's going to be hard to spin that narrative in court.

So taking away the races of victim and perpetrators, which one would you expect to get worse punishment in a court of law.  The answer should be the second.  For one that is a case of kidnapping, which in itself is a crime.  The victim was kidnapped and held for 2 days, which hasn't been talked about much.  Then there is the torture which is captured on video, which is enough in itself to result in serious punishment.  I also have to wonder about what wasn't captured on video.  The man was held against his will for 2 days, and only a small minority of that time was captured on the video.   That hasn't stopped people from equating the two events.  Shaun King brought up the wire hanger attack when talking about why he won't speak up against the assault.   That is a big reason why people are once again talking about the wire hanger attack.  It's as if people like Shaun King, don't want to condemn the kidnappers, but want to speak on the incident  so they play the victim card and mention some shit they feel white people did wrong.  How hard is it to condemn the kidnappers.  What they did was horrible, and should be treated as such.  Or at least some of these people should just come out and say "fuck white people", instead of hiding their racism by pretending that they are freedom fighters.

Update-The unnamed person was 16 at the time of the attack, and I said he was 17 before I corrected it

Thursday, January 5, 2017

How Selfish Is Russell Westbrook

How can you tell how selfish a basketball player is?  In the past I would think of a player, who took his fair share of shots, without many assists.  Russell Westbrook has me thinking about things differently in the past 3 seasons.  It is true that a person can get assists for selfish reasons.  Sure assists are seen as a selfless thing to do, but what if the guy getting the assists is also taking a bunch of shots.  A player like that effectively takes his teammates out of games.  They have to sit around waiting for him to do something, either pass the ball to them, or create the shot for himself.  A couple seasons ago it seemed like Westbrook became addicted to this, do everything style, of play.  Kevin Durant missed 55 games that season, and Westbrook took over dominating the basketball.  Even when Durant came back last season, Westbrook still played the same way to a lesser extent.  With Durant gone to Golden State this season Westbrook is having his way in OKC.  I can't help but think that Westbrook is a little happy that Durant is gone, and the team is his.  I came up with a statistics of my own. Okay it's really just a combination of other statistics that can be found on basketball reference.  One of those stats that I combined is Usage%.  Usage% is an estimate of the number of possessions a player ends for his team when he is on the floor.  Usage% doesn't factor in assists, it factors in free throw attempts, field goal attempts, and turnovers.  A player like Magic Johnson didn't have high usage rates throughout his career, but he obviously played a big role in the Lakers offense when he played.  So I decided to combine Usage% with assists per 100 possessions.  I'll just take the numbers given by basketball reference, which is rounded to the nearest tenth. This doesn't count instances in which a player could've gotten an assist, but someone missed a shot, but since they don't keep track of that, this will have to do.  I looked at Westbrook stats the past three seasons (stats this season are prior to January 5th game at Houston), and compared it to seasons from other great players

Name                            Season       Usage%     Ast Per 100     Total
Russell Westbrook        2016-17       42.4          14.9                57.3
Russell Westbrook        2014-15       38.4          12.5                50.9
James Harden               2016-17       33.7          15.9                49.6
Russell Westbrook        2015-16       31.6          15.4                47.0
Dwyane Wade              2008-09       36.2          10.3                46.5
Lebron James               2009-10       33.5          11.5                46.0
Kobe Bryant                2005-06        38.7          5.8                 44.5
Allen Iverson                2005-06       35.3           8.9                 44.2
Michael Jordan             1986-87       38.3           5.8                 44.1  
Magic Johnson              1986-87      26.3           15.9               42.2              

I believe that the seasons for everyone other than Westbrook is the season in which that total is highest of each person's career, but I'm not sure.  Kobe had a higher total in a season when he only played six games, so I didn't count that.  . Lebron James' total was 40.8 in 2011-12, his first championship season.  It was 40.3 the season he won his second title, and 41.2 last season in which he won his third title.  Jordan's totals for his championship seasons were 40.4, 39.7, 41.9, 39.3, 39.2, and 38.5 respectively.  So is Westbrook playing the most selfish season in NBA history?  Well it depends on what you consider selfish.  Wilt Chamberlain averaged 50.4 ppg, and around 2 assists per game, so obviously he was focused on getting his points.  Part of it comes down to whether Westbrook is getting a lot of assists for selfish reasons.  You can debate that one.  One thing that I am sure of is that Westbrook big numbers this seasons aren't the product of great efficiency.  It's the product of him getting so many opportunities to make plays.  He constantly has the ball.  A 42.4 Usage% would be the record if he kept that at the end of the season.  The highest Usage% usually goes a gunner.  It goes to a player whose job is to score, and who doesn't dish out a bunch of assists.  Westbrook is on his way to breaking the record, while at the same time constantly controlling the ball for his team in a way that Kobe, or Jordan, or even Lebron never have.