Tuesday, September 27, 2016

FBI Murder Data For 2015

The FBI released their crime statistics for 2015, and murders have gone up 10.8%.  This is not a surprise to me, as I read an article about murder rates going up in major cities.  I haven't read much on possible explanations for this, as it goes against what has been the general pattern for around 2 decades.


The link above shows a  table that looks at incidence of single victim/single offender homicide.  Based on the data on this chart here are some stats.

White Offenders-2897
Black Offenders-2934

500 whites killed by black offenders
229 blacks killed by white offenders

3167 white victims   2574 killed by whites   81.3
2664 black victims  2380 killed by blacks   89.3

It's interesting that according to the table blacks killed whites at over 2 times as much as vice versa.  As someone who looked at data from previous years this is no surprise.   It's been that way for a while.  Each year I've checked it's been that way.  Mainstream media coverage could lead you to believe that it's the other way around.  Incidence of blacks killing whites doesn't get the same attention.

According to the 2015 census white people made up 77.1% of the U.S. population, while blacks made up 13.3%.  Based on that data there are about 5.8 times as many white people in the country as black.  Both the census data, and FBI data doesn't count hispanic as a race, and white hispanics are counted as white, black hsipanics as black, etc.  Based on that data blacks are 5.9 times as likely to commit murders as whites, but that's not the complete data.  I'll get to the more complete data later.  There is also the question of black on black crime, or in this case black on black murder.  About 89% of blacks who were murdered were murdered by other blacks according to this data, while 81% of whites murdered were murdered by other whites.  Those percentage are deceiving, because they don't look at the rate in which each happened.  Black were 5.4 times more likely to kill another, at least in single victim/single offender homicides.


That gets me to the above table, which looks at Murder offenders.  There were 5620 black offenders, and 4636 white offenders in cases where the race of the offender was known.  Blacks made up 53.3% of those offenders.  That's 13.3% of the country committing  around 53% of the murders.  That is a huge over representation.  A black person was 7 times more likely to murder than a white person.


The third link is to a table that gives data on murder victims.  There were 7039 black victims, and 5854 white victims.  Unlike single victim/single offender data, this doesn't break down the race of those whom killed them.

What if I applied the percentages from my first link, when it came to how the percentage of black murder victims who were killed by blacks, and the percentage of white murder victims killed by whites.  That would translate to 6289 blacks killed by blacks 4758 whites killed by whites.  Those are just estimates, though it gives you an idea of how more complete data victim/offender data would look.

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