Friday, November 20, 2020

How Donald Trump Lost The Election

 Before Coronavirus hit, it seemed liked the Democrats weren't ready for Donald Trump.  From Trump's election win until early 2020, the Democrats just repeated the same mistakes.  Social Justice bullshit, and the identity politics that goes along with it.  Some things changed from the beginning of this year until election night that turned things around.  It's possible that we underestimated how much support the Democrats would have even before COVID became a big story.  Hillary Clinton did win the popular vote 4 years ago.


In Donald Trump's defense, we were being told in January that it wasn't a matter of if, but a matter of when in terms of the Coronavirus becoming a major problems in our country.  I can name plenty sound reasons other than plain incompetence.  We have the third largest population of any country.  We have great stat tracking, and a great capacity for testing,  and unlike China, we aren't a communist country.  In terms of population the only countries with a higher population are China, India.  China is a communist country that isn't transparent with it's data.  It was that lack of transparency that caused the virus to spread even further from Wuhan.  Their number of listed cases and deaths are incredibly low, and honestly we can't trust their numbers.  India is a poorer country that despite.  With all of that being said Trump hasn't seemed to take this virus seriously.  He has downplayed it, and regularly shows support for groups that have had big gatherings during the pandemic.  Have the Democrats been hypocritical on this?  Yes they have.  They supported BLM/Antifa riots that were far worse than any conservative gatherings, but the Dems don't get called on their bullshit that often, so Trump took a hit in terms of public perception.

Those Riots

The Riots which peaked right after the death of George Floyd set off a crazy reaction of white guilt, and black radicalism.  It was everywhere.  We were constantly being reminded of it whether it was on news stations, sports channels, or even channels like the Disney Channel.  After this it was easy for the democrats to sell how big this election was.  They went out of their way to do it.  Commercials telling people to vote were clearly aimed at those on the left.  

The Tide Changed A While Ago 

The 2020 election marks the 7th time in the past 8 elections that the Democratic candidate has won the popular vote, and only one of those, Gore vs Bush in 2000, was really close.  The tied has been in their favor for a while, and the identity politics have worked.  In that way a Trump loss should have been the expected result, just based on recent history, or at least him losing the popular vote.  Other factors swung the polls even more in favor of Joe Biden.  The mainstream clearly leans left, and that has been the case for a long time now.  They effectively push their political viewpoints.  The top social media sites show favorability towards the left.  The tide has been going against the right wing for decades now.

He Has Lost The Election

Trump is yet to concede, and those on his side continue to push conspiracy theories, but all indication from the counting, and recounting is that Joe Biden has clearly won this election.