The WWE released their 2nd quarter numbers yesterday. I wanted to see their attendance numbers, so I looked at their Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for the 2nd quarter. The WWE listed their average attendance at 5.8 thousand, or 5800 in 53 shows. Not counting WrestleMania it's 4700. Now those averages aren't exact. It they are just rounding to n If they rounded to the nearest hundred , the high estimate for the attendance at WrestleMania 35 is 68249, and the low estimate is 57751. If you treat it like the averages are exact, WrestleMania attendance would had to have been 63,000. Now the WWE announced an attendance of 82,265, and even the high estimate comes well short of that number. It is well known that the WWE lies about their attendance. Each year right after WrestleMania, I wait for the real WrestleMania attendance to be revealed. list the attendance for the event at 74,000, but even that is well above the high estimate, and 11,000 more than the middle estimate of 63000. Now the WWE's averages could be paid attendance, but their KPI doesn't mention that it's paid attendance.
Whether the attendance averages listed in the WWE KPI is paid or total attendance, it's obvious that the WWE lies about their attendance. They routinely list attendance figures stadium shows that they can't get in those stadiums, especially when you factor in how many seats are blocked by the WWE set design.
WWE Key Performance Indicators